Thursday, September 1, 2016

Welcome to the world, sweet girl

Woah, that was crazy fast!  Just when we thought we were settling in for a long night of waiting, labor took off like a freight train!

We moved over to a private room around 4 and as far as I know I was 3ish cm dilated with light contractions.  I was sitting in bed in my own clothes, and I said to Chris, "I should probably take these pants off in case my water breaks" he said, "yeah, that's probably going to happen soon".  So I stood up, took off my pants, and felt a trickle, then a stream.  With that, it broke.  That was around 5.  Labor picked up from there and at 5:45 we decided to order food.  I wanted food in my belly before things picked up and I might need an epidural, after which, I wouldn't be allowed to eat.  The food was delivered around 6:30 and by then the contractions were every two minutes and STRONG.  I tried to eat, but couldn't get much down in between contractions.  I asked them to come check me.  I was at 6cm and not entirely thinned.  I knew it was epidural time.  They were in within minutes.  It seemed to take forever to get it in, I think they were teaching someone.  I had to fight through contractions and then a strong urge to push.  I told my nurse, Abby, I really wanted to push and she told me to fight the urge.  She called the doctor, Dr Mulla, because she wanted her to be there when they laid me down.  They finally got the epidural in, I got some 
relief, and she checked me.  I was fully dilated and +2.  It was baby time.  Chris was still out of the room from the epidural.  They said they were going to call NICU, so I knew they weren't kidding!!!  I asked for them to get Chris.  Chris came back in and I said, it's time.  That was a little before 7.  She arrived at 7:12.  By 8, I was eating my cold dinner, which wasn't actually even that  I probably had to push about 10 times.  I got to feel her head coming out, which was cool.  And then they laid her on top of me as soon as she was out.  
The rest of the night was pretty busy.  Chris followed Mireya to the NICU, where she would stay, rather than be transferred to Children's.  I hung out in the delivery room where they waited for the epidural to wear off so they could move me to a wheelchair.  I caught up with friends and family and shared the news, while Chris texted me from downstairs.  Cardiology came over from Children's to do the echo, but more on that in the next post.  My nurse drove me by the NICU on my way down to postpartum.  I got there in the middle of the echo, so I was not able to hold her and we didn't stay long.  They got me settled in and eventually Chris came down to get me when the echo was done.  We spent another 30 min upstairs snuggling Mireya, then back to my room to settle in for the night. 

Here's a comparison of my two girls at birth.  They look nothing alike.  Hope is on top, Mireya on the bottom.  

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