Sunday, May 18, 2014

15 weeks and finding it hard to believe!

We're up to 15 weeks this week and I'm finally having days where I feel like I look less like I'm eating too many cupcakes and more like I've actually got a baby in there.  She is the size of an apple this week.  My kids at school don't think I look pregnant (maybe they're trying to be nice), some of my friends do.    You be the judge...

Thank you all for your kind words as you have learned our news over the past few weeks.  We have heard so many nice things, have seen such touching outpouring of emotions, and we are overwhelmed by the amount of love we already feel from family, friends, co-workers, and even just random people.  Friends have offered some awesome advice, people have sent some lovely gifts, and I can't even imagine what it is going to be like when she gets here.

Like most pregnant women, but especially for those who have suffered from infertility, I have a hard time believing this is real.  I keep thinking I am going to wake up and it will have all been a dream.  I alternate between wanting to enjoy every minute of my pregnancy to wanting November to be here so that we can meet our daughter and hold her in our arms.  To sit in the nursery in the middle of the night and rock her back to sleep.  To feel her velvet soft skin.  To nuzzle in and smell that wonderful smell that only comes from a baby - I cant only imagine it is that much sweeter when it is your own.  To learn what color hair she will have (hoping for red!).   To watch her grow, instead of just feeling it.  To hear her laugh and find out what she's going to be like.  

I imagine every couple expecting a baby has big dreams for their baby - We have had a long time to think about what we wanted for our children and have so many dreams for her.  A moment doesn't pass when I don't wonder what her life will be like.  My focus has gone completely off.  We know she will be cherished by all who have waited for her, so many people have told me that.  Every time I take the time to think about who she will be I tear up.  Will she be athletic?  Will she be active and enjoy the outdoors like we do?  Will she be adventurous?  Will she be musical?  Will she be coordinated, and not clumsy like me?  Having lost my dear Mimi in March, I envision her to be like Mimi.  Kind, selfless, loving, intelligent.  I imagine her to be open to new experiences and curious about the world.  She will grow up in a house where baseball is on every night in the summer (it's on right now), so she will definitely love baseball (and we hope it's the Red Sox, of course).  But who knows?  It will be a while before we know for sure, and certainly some of her personality will be formed by her experiences both before and after she gets here.  She has already had some adventures - she went to Mexico when she was just a spark, has run a half marathon, and has flown in her Dad's plane to name a few.  In the coming months, she will hike the White Mountains of NH, swim across Walden Pond, go sailing, visit Fenway for the first of many times, ride in her Grandpop's motor boat (I hope he won't go too fast and bounce her around), and travel to Belgium for the first time for her Uncle Fabien and Aunt Christine's wedding.  I'm sure there will be many more adventures before she gets here, because everyone knows I like a good adventure.

Anyway, enough of my sappy musings.  Lots of things going on this week.  I think baby may have had a growth spurt this week.  I went from feeling pretty good last week, to lousy this week.  I struggled to get through the work day only to come home and pass out for a few hours.  Tuesday, I laid in bed for 3 hours and then laid on the couch for the remainder of the night.  But its all good....just means she's taking my energy so that she can get big and strong.

The weekend was much better - I got two good sleeps and felt more like myself.  Saturday, I had time to prep and plant most of my garden.   Then we went to a party and I even stayed out until!  Today, I ran a 5k pacing a 6th grader through my running club's kids program.  She did great.  When I got home, it was such a beautiful day and I felt like I could go a little further, so I ran 4 more miles.  7 total for the day, 18 for the week.  This is big progress.  Next week, I hope to break 20 miles for the week. 

We spent the afternoon shopping for a nursery set and I think we may have found the one.  We went to three different places, and in each place, we liked the same set, without realizing at first it was the same one.  Here is a picture of it in the finish we will probably get.  Now we just have to decide which pieces to get and then order it. 

Finally, I truly believe I'm starting to feel her move in my belly.  I first felt it a couple of weeks ago, but wasn't sure.  But the same feeling has been occurring more and more frequently, especially if I am sitting still or laying down.  It is pretty exciting!

So that's what's new this week.  I'm really looking forward to the school year ending.  I'm getting what I need to get done and my work is not suffering, but my focus is not there.  The kids know that and keep trying to get me off-topic by bringing up the baby.  I need the summer to come so I can actually focus on baby (and rest!).   

Coming later this week - stories from Malden High School.  The kids have been pretty entertaining as they have learned I was pregnant.  It is definitely worth a post.  

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