Monday, May 5, 2014

Why a rainbow?

In the spirit of our journey, I chose the name "running towards a rainbow"  those of you who have been around the infertility / miscarriage / infant loss block understand the significance of a rainbow, but others might not.   There is a lot if meaning in this name.  The running part is obvious, since all you need to do is talk to me for 5 minutes and you know I am passionate about running.  But a rainbow?  Yes they are beautiful to look at, but there's more to it than that.  For those of us who have experienced miscarriage,  we seek out hope in the dreams of a rainbow baby.  That is, the healthy baby that follows the baby who we lost.  

So in choosing the name, "running towards a rainbow", I am indeed running towards hope.  I took comfort and refuge in running after every round of IVF, after losing my baby in 2012 (which I recently discovered was a little boy), and after being told we wouldn't have kids.  The last blow made me run really hard, and I guess I eventually ran smack into my rainbow.

This is a big week for us.  We will get the results back from the panorama test.  This will tell us genetic risks, and even more exciting, gender!!!  I have a doctors appointment tmw and I hope to hear the heartbeat again.  I will be 14 weeks on Thursday and now we seem to be in the clear, I am loving every second of this journey, even when I'm not feeling so great.  It's so amazing what the body can do and I am fascinated by the changes.  

So coming soon..gender reveal and first belly pics!!!

1 comment:

  1. Molly and Chris,
    Just wanted to let you guys know that I am so excited to be following your exciting journey and we are so so so happy for you guys!!!
