Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Mission accomplished

Yesterday was a long day.  In fact the next few days are going to be long days, as we wait for tubes and machines to slowly be peeled off of our sweet baby girl.  
We got in to Childrens yesterday at our normal time.  We knew they'd be taking her in around noon, maybe a little later, so this gave us a couple hours with her, to snuggle and let her know how much we love her.  Even though the poor kid hasn't eaten since Saturday, she was peaceful and calm, did not cry once all morning.  When we first got there she was wide awake, so that was nice.  She was also very snuggly.

Sleeping peacefully pre-op

They took us down around 1.  We were allowed to carry her and hold her until they took her back.  We answered a bunch of questions, the nurses reassured us, the anesthesiologists came out to talk to us, and then they said it was time.  We each hugged and kissed her then handed her off and watched the nurse carry her around the corner, still sleeping.  I have never done anything so hard in my life.  I cried.  
We decided to pass the time by going in to Boston for lunch and a couple drinks.  It was a beautiful day, so we ate outside at Stephanie's.  I had a pineapple infused vodka and a glass of rose.

Then we wandered around a little bit.  We went into Trinity church to say a prayer.  We sat in the courtyard at the Boston Public Library (one of Boston's most peaceful spots) and just tried to kill time.  

We headed back to the hospital around 4:30.  We had been getting updates all along.  First, that the incision had been made, then that she was on the heart-lung bypass machine, then that the repair had begun.  When we arrived back at Childrens and went into the waiting room, the nurse liaison came back to give us another update - the repair had been made and they were waiting to take her off the bypass.  This was around 5.  My stomach was a mess. 
Around 6, she came out again to tell us she was off the bypass and her heart was beating on its own again. During this time my uncle dropped by to visit, as he was in town for work.  He helped us pass time for a few hours.  We were grateful for this.  At 7, they sent us back up to the cardiac ICU to wait for Dr Pigula, her surgeon.  He came out around 7:45.  All had been done to his satisfaction and according to plan.  He told us we could get back to her in about an hour.  
We got back there around 9:15PM  We had been well prepared for what we saw, but it was still scary.  She is hooked up to tubes, wires, pumps, machines, etc.  She 
is swollen almost beyond recognition.  Her chest is still open. They have her sedated and paralyzed.  She is pale because they have her temp lowered.  It is a fine process of regulation as her body adjusts to the repair, which will likely go on intensly for the first 24 hours, and then things will steady out, and they will start the process of healing.  
First they will close her chest back up.  Then they will start to bring her out of sedation.  Eventually, but probably not until Sunday, we will be able to hold her.  Sometime next week she will leave ICU, and then somewhere down the road she will come home.  
We only stayed at her bedside for 30 minutes or so.  The nurses were busy tending to her and we didn't want to interrupt. There's not much we can do for her right now, other than take care of ourselves.  I will stop in for an hour or so today and tomorrow, and as they start to bring her out of sedation, we will spend more and more time there.  For the next couple days, we're going to do some normal things - Chris went to work, I'm going to run errands and get a hair cut, I'll go to my Thursday night running club event, Chris will go to Krav, etc.
We're on the right path and relieved the surgery is done, but we still have a long road and still need your prayers.  
I have a picture of her with all the tubes and wires, I wanted to document it for her, but have decided I don't think it should go on the blog.  It's just too graphic.  I'm happy to share with anyone who wants to see, don't be afraid to ask.  I've looked at it several times since we left the hospital, for some reason it makes me feel better.
I will keep everyone posted on progress.  They may be short updates, but I will try to keep them frequent.  

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