Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tomorrow is the big day

Hope will have her repair tomorrow.  We have met all the players - cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, fellows, etc, signed the consents, and have all our ducks in a row.  The doctors and nurses have been nothing but encouraging, putting us at ease.  For them, this is routine and not a challenging surgery.  They are confident, and as in any surgery there are risks, but they are minimal.  There is a 5% chance of risk to life.  Pretty good odds.  And after seeing the way they cared for her over the weekend when there was a complication, I feel very confident that they will do everything they can to keep her safe.  

Snuggling in Vera Bradley with her blanket knitted by her great Aunt Gail

As scared and upset as I was over the weekend, I feel calm, relaxed, and ready to be on the other side, so that we can work on coming home for real.  Chris feels the same way.

Bonding with Daddy

She goes into surgery sometime early afternoon.  We will get to the hospital shortly after the morning rush and spend some time with her.  Once we hand her off, we'll have several hours to kill, so we'll head into Boston for lunch to kill some time.  Sometime mid to late afternoon, the surgeon will be out with the update.  We'll be allowed back about an hour later.

Our first trip outside!  Enjoying the Prouty Garden

We have been warned again and again that she won't look like our sweet baby.  I feel very prepared for this, but still imagine it will be hard.  She will likely be swollen, her chest may still be open, she'll be hooked to a bunch of machines, intubated, etc.  But she'll heal quick, and will hopefully be off machines in 48 hours (more if they have to leave her chest open).  They tell us 5-7 days in CICU and maybe another week (though I'm guessing more) on the inpatient transition floor.  I give us another 2-3 weeks until we're home.

Feeling the sun hit our face for the first time.  10 days old.

Once we're back on the transition floor, Hope will be happy to have (healthy) visitors as long as she is growing alright and feeling healthy. 

Hope meets the Bruins!

I will update everyone late tomorrow afternoon on how she did, but for now keep us in your thoughts and prayers.  

More snuggles with Daddy

I have an IV sticking out of my head, but I'm cool because it looks like a rose.  Can't wait till they put my central 
line in so I don't need to contend with IVs


  1. As someone without children, I can't imagine what you're going through. All I know is it must be one of the most difficult things a person can endure. Wishing you 3 all the best tomorrow and beyond.

  2. Sending so much love and hugs and kisses. I do like the rose on her head, goes well with the Vera Bradley blanket. Will be thinking about you all day tomorrow. Love, Grammy

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hang in there guys. I'll be thinking of all 3 of you tomorrow. Just think, before you know it, she'll be running her first 5k.

  5. Positive thoughts and prayers are with you as you wait for your baby to come out of surgery.
