Monday, June 2, 2014

A taste of summer!

Not much exciting to report on baby this week.  Just chugging along ready for summer to begin.

Got to my first Red Sox game this week.  I was lucky enough to be invited by my friend Melanie, who had a pair of front row seats!  We were right behind the camera crew.  It was also the celebration of the 2004 team, which was awesome!  So many of the old team came back and we were so lucky to be so close to them.  It was a pretty cold night, not summery at all, but it was a blast!

It was such a beautiful weekend up here in New England. Every time we have weather like this, it reminds me why I live here.  The warm summer sun has finally thawed us out from the long, cold winter.  I am grateful for the long hard winters.  Why, you may ask?  Well, without them, I could never appreciate weather like we had this weekend.  This weather also makes me long for the school year to just end now.  13 more school days and only 8 teaching days after today.  

My goal for the weekend had been to clean my house.  Usually by June, as the school year barrels to its close, my house is a disaster.  This year, it is double the disaster, a result of the extreme fatigue that lasted me through most of May.  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the fatigue, I'm happy for any symptoms.  It means all is well.  Having dealt with infertility for so long, I always said I'd welcome feeling like garbage for 9 months.  And I'll definitely take extreme fatigue over throwing up, but it certainly was trying.  Now that my energy is returning, there is wreckage to clean up.  But with the weather so beautiful, I couldn't resist and instead spent as much time as I could outside.  

Saturday started with a run and swim out at Walden.  Then on to a BBQ / housewarming.  Finally, and the only thing that happened baby-related, I spent most of the afternoon at Babies R' Us, getting my registry set up.   My friend Jess was kind enough to offer to help me and I can not say how much I appreciated it.  Her assistance was beyond useful, and made what I thought would be a dreadful and overwhelming task, a fun afternoon.  It also saved Chris from what would have been a painful afternoon, making it a more painful process for me.  Instead, he hung out with Jess' husband,  Jared, one of his longtime friends, and their almost two-year-old daughter.  I think he had a lot more fun doing that than spending the day inside at Babies R' Us with me.  The registry is mostly set-up and ready to go and I even made my first purchase, an adorable pair of shoes that were on clearance.  Hope they fit by Christmas!

I have a few more big items that need to go on there, but they involve some more thought and perhaps a little input from the daddy-to-be.  I'd also like to check out Buy Buy Baby for some of these things. 

Sunday was gorgeous beyond belief.  Again, too nice to stay in and clean the house.  I forced myself to go to the grocery store, which is good because there was almost no food left in the house.  I also cleaned my car, which was almost as big of a disaster as my house, so that was productive.   I have been embarrassed for people to ride in it, it was such a mess. We also went for a long walk and got some ice cream, because this baby likes ice cream :) or at least I keep telling myself that as an excuse.  

As far as baby, like I said, not much happening.  I have a check-up this week, which I expect to be uneventful, and a big ultrasound next week - can't wait for that!  I'm starting to actually look pregnant, instead of fat, but have yet to have anyone ask me when I am due.  I've been wearing maternity clothes since 8 weeks and exclusively since 10, mostly because I can't stand anything restrictive on my stomach, but it's only recently become truly visible.  I went out like gangbusters on the weight gain and have been a little worried about it.  My midwife told me not to worry about it for another month or two as it might level off.  And it fact, since I weighed myself last I've actually lost a pound, which isn't a bad thing since I am ahead of schedule in that department.  I've gained a total of 13 pounds, when most charts say I should have gained no more than 10.  Oh well.  I attribute most of this to the fact that I couldn't do anything but sleep and eat for the first 12 weeks, and since then my energy has been spotty (though fortunately my appetite has decreased).  I am finally exercising regularly again - I got up at 5 this morning to run because the temp is going into the 80s today and that is too hot for me. I would be happy if I could stay where I am until about 21 weeks, and then I will be back in the normal range again, but we'll see what the midwife says.  

So leaving you with my bump pic of the week.  Sorry that I look a mess....Sunday evening after a pretty busy day!  17 weeks and the size of an onion....

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