Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Chris and I were overwhelmed by all the support we got from so many friends and family after our news from last week.  All the  messages, comments, texts, flowers, etc touched us deeply.  I know we will get through this with baby girl because we have such a great support network.  Thank you.  

Not much going on at all this week.  After a great week last week in Ocean City with family, this week was spent quietly at home in Arlington.  It's the summer of back and forths for me.  We flew home on Friday night, it was a pretty easy and enjoyable flight with beautiful views :)

Ocean City

Atlantic City

Our beloved Walden Pond 

When we got home, We picked up dinner on the way home from the airport and enjoyed it on the back patio.  I decided to put some of the potted plants back (when we go out of town I put them in range of the automatic sprinklers).  As I was carrying my pot of herbs back to the back step, I tripped over Sanders' tie up.  Me and the pot went flying.  I landed on my knee, the pot broke, and  I was all scraped up.  Now I see what they mean by being clumsy as you get bigger.  Fortunately it wasn't that hard of a fall, even if I was a little banged up.  It was definitely scary and I was sad to break my favorite pot.

I've noticed other things.  It's harder to get up from the floor, or even a sofa.  I often struggle or need help.  I'm learning to roll on my side first, when possible.  I also learned that some things are getting harder.  I can't be on my feet or sit in a hard chair for a long time or my back aches.  We sailed on Sunday, and getting around on the boat is getting more cumbersome.  I've learned that even though I don't feel hot most of the time, I do feel the effect of the heat sooner.  Even going up the two flights to my parents house, I find myself winded.  All minor things, but important to know.  

I got my third cold since I got pregnant.  Not fun at all.  I swear it amplifies the symptoms, especially since I can't take any of the meds that usually help me.  I spent the entire day Tuesday on the couch.  I felt a bit better yesterday, but still took it pretty easy.  Feeling not so great again today as it has traveled to my chest.  Sanders has been good company and laid by me or laid his chin on my knees.  Baby girl took the opportunity to play all day in my belly.  She was dancing around a bit this morning too, but now I think she's pretty worn out - pretty quiet in there but I'm pretty sure after I have my evening ice cream she will be dancing around again.    

I can no longer see my feet when standing straight up.  And my belly has surpassed my chest.  Overall, I love being pregnant.  I find it entirely magical and stare at my belly often in wonder.  I love feeling baby move around inside my belly and now I'm able to see my belly move sometimes.  It is such an incredible feeling.  I'm sure I would feel different if I was having a hard pregnancy, but I just want to enjoy every moment of it.  I'm so grateful to have this opportunity.  I'm anxious to meet our little girl, but also don't want this period to end.  I waited so long to experience this and it is such a miraculous thing, I just want to soak it all up.  

Other milestones ?  I finally ordered the nursery furniture that we picked out two months ago :)
Also, my BOB (gift from my parents came)!!!! I have waited so long to own one of these, I can't tell you how excited I am.  I spent all evening getting to know it.  BOB just released a new model in new colors with an adjustable handlebar.  It's beautiful.  Now I have to start practicing walking the dog with it :)

Here's the long awaited 23 week bump shot.  Please excuse my messy hair, the fact that I look exhausted, and that I'm laughing (Chris was trying to make me laugh so I didn't look so tired).  Again, I blame the cold.  

Even though this is the 23 week update, Today we actually hit 24 weeks or 6 months (I'm a little behind on the blog - I blame the cold)!  With 24 weeks comes viability, but not so much for baby girl with her heart defect.  Each week from here on out is one week safer though, so that's comforting.  By 28 weeks baby has a 85-90% survival rate.  We're almost there!  It seems unbelievable to me that there is only a month left in the second trimester.  It's not really going all that fast, but it just seems strange to me that we're closing in on 2/3 of the way there.  

After an exhausting day of driving, I'm back in Ocean City, where I hope the salt air will take care of my nasty cold.  This is my longest stretch - I'll be here until Aug 3.  

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