Thursday, July 31, 2014

Peaceful, Easy Feeling - 26 weeks today!

Well, it's been two weeks since my last post.  Not much happening and I don't feel the need to have posts without substance.  For the title, I had to quote a favorite Eagles song because it's exactly how I feel.

The biggest excitement for me in the last two weeks, other than turning 36 this past Monday, was that my BOB came in.  
When I got pregnant, this was the only thing I absolutely knew I had to have.  Lucky for me, BOB decided to launch a new model, the flex, and I am amongst the first to own one.  They even issued new colors.  Mine is "lagoon" and it is so pretty.  I just love it!  I've already taken it for a spin (walking, not running) to see how Sanders did.

He did great.  He learned real quick that if he walked in front of it, he got run over, though I do think he was a little confused by what we were doing.  I was impressed with how smooth the ride was.  I could go right over curbs and barely felt them.  The best feature of the new BOB, other than the pretty color, is that the handlebar is fully adjustable.  This is great when your husband is 8 inches taller than you, and when you want to use it for different purposes (running vs walking).  I've put all the accessories I need for it on my registry - the handlebar console, the rain cover, and the car seat adaptor.    I can't wait until there is a baby in it and I can use it for real!  

I have been enjoying these last two weeks in Ocean City.  Other than the first weekend I was here, when I was still pretty sick, the weather has been great.  Cool, dry, comfortable.  I've logged a lot of beach time - Chris tells me he thinks baby girl will come out  I've gotten Sanders to the beach a few times too, which he just loves!

My favorite time of day is the morning.  I like to get here before the crowds and the lifeguards and just sit and watch the ocean.  It's peaceful and quiet.  On Thursdays and Sundays, I get up early to swim with a group in the ocean.  It is easily my favorite place to swim.  Something about getting past the breakers and looking back at land, knowing you got out there under your own power and you are strong enough to swim out there and get back in past the breakers.  Sometimes I'm even able to catch a ride in.  A totally different experience from Walden, but I love them both so much.

I'm still really active, but have been watching my pace slow little by little, despite the cooler than average summer. I'm still running 3-4 days a week, up to 5 miles at a time.  I've slowed from an 8:15 average back in Feb, to a 10:00 average, and I know it's all part of the game, I'm just happy to be running.  I try not to look at time too much and just focus on how I feel and how far I think I can go.  I caught a glimpse of myself in a store window and was shocked how different my form looked.  I can no longer run without a support belt, and there's times that, even with a support belt, I feel a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen.  I'm counting on my body to tell me when to stop, but I know at this point, every run I do is a bonus run.  I'd like to get to 30 weeks (just 4 to go!) and then reevaluate and take it week by week from there.  Every run I get will make the comeback a little bit easier.  I still plan to run Boston in April, so that certainly is a huge motivator!  Honestly, I'm pleased that today, the last day of July, at 26 weeks, I can say I'm still running!

It is definitely hard to motivate myself to exercise at times, but I am happy when I'm done.  I love the fact that at 6 months pregnant I can say I'm as fit as I was when I wasn't pregnant.  It makes all those first trimester workouts when I had no energy worth it.  There are so many benefits - I'm hoping for an easier labor and delivery, a healthier baby, and an easier time getting back to me.  It allows me to eat what I want, in fact, sometimes I worry I don't eat enough, so if I'm hungry, I eat.  It's helped me to not gain excessive weight, despite gaining a lot early on.  As of last appt, a month ago, I was only up 11lbs.  I'd like to see that I'm up 15 at my appt next week.  That would put me at the perfect 25-30lbs total range.  If I'm under that, I may have to step up my nutrition a little bit.  

As far as baby goes, there's really nothing to report.  Yesterday we passed a big milestone - we got into double digits on the countdown to my due date.  98 days to go!  She has active days and quiet days.  She likes the beach and often kicks when she feels the sun on her.  She also seems to like it when I'm standing around.  My belly is starting to get in the way.  It's obvious to me when I sit down, or try to get off the couch.  I'm having more and more trouble sleeping, simply because I can't get comfortable, despite sleeping with a full body pregnancy pillow.  Last night, after tossing and turning much of the night, I had Sanders get into bed with me and act as a back support, using the body pillow as a belly support.  It was only then that I could get comfortable.    

My NJ shower invitations went out, so I'm pretty excited about that!  Can't wait to see everybody who is coming to that in just 3 weeks.  My MA shower is still in the works.  

We have also been full tilt planning our trip to Belgium for my host brother, Fabian's, and his fiancée, Christine's, wedding.  Really looking forward to seeing and spending time with my Belgian family.  Chris and I are going to take a few days to see some of Eastern France and a little bit of Switzerland, as well.  Should be a good trip, though I'm very nervous about the long, overnight plane ride!

My birthday was good.  Pretty quiet and uneventful, but that is fine with me.  Spent the day on the beach then had dinner at a favorite restaurant, Steve and Cookies, with my mom.  I was surprised by a wonderful fruit bouquet from my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins (they know how much baby loves fruit!) that I'm happy to report is almost entirely gone :)

Was also surprised by a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my amazing husband :)

I've been enjoying my big gift from my parents for the last two weeks - a new beach chair with cup holders.  All in all, a good birthday, especially knowing that I have finally gotten what I wanted for the last 4 birthdays and Christmases - the beautiful baby growing inside of me.  I really didn't need anything more - I feel totally blessed.  

Next week should be a big week as far as baby updates.  I am scheduled for an ultrasound, an MRI (I enrolled in a research study to help understand brain development in babies with heart defects), and a monthly appointment, the last with my midwife and current practice at Mt Auburn, before I move over to Beth Israel and my high risk doc.  That will probably be emotional, being that I adore my midwife.  

That's about all, so as I begin week 26 today, I'll leave you with my 25 week bump shot.  My apologies - no fruit comparison, though I think I read she was the size of a head of cauliflower.  Without my personal photographer by my side (looking forward to him getting here tonight!), I took this shot in the mirror before going out for a run.  I'll try to do another beach shot this weekend!

Take care everyone!

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